

发布时间: 2024-05-10 11:30:50北京青年报社官方账号





"Gejia village is one of the most typical Chinese villages I've seen, but it is also unique, as the villagers love their hometown and have learned how to dress it up," said Xue Taluo, who uses a Chinese name but is from Ukraine.


"For example, it is powerful enough to change the cosmetics industry and force them to make more water-based makeup products instead of oil-based ones for young ladies. The young females love to take selfies in the morning when their makeup is fresh and oil-based cosmetics would ruin a perfect selfie by making them look oily."


"Hazelnut is one of the main crops we get income (from) for our farm, and China is the main source where the crop goes. The tariffs really impacted our chance to get good prices and stable income for us. We are going into this season not knowing. ... Now the tariffs make the market tight," John Brentano of Brentano Farms Inc said.


"Fiscal policy has advantages compared with the monetary policy, as it can be targeted and temporary, with a short lag. Thus, fiscal policy is more appropriate and should play the lead role in dealing with the one-off short-term impact of the epidemic," said Zhang Bin, a senior researcher of the China Finance 40 Forum, a think thank.


"First, let me say that I have a genuine love and appreciation for Nissan. I believe strongly that in all of my efforts on behalf of the company, I have acted honorably, legally, and with the knowledge and approval of the appropriate executives inside the company, with the sole purpose of supporting and strengthening Nissan, and helping to restore its place as one of Japan's finest and most respected companies," the automotive heavyweight said.


